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Monday, February 17, 2014

Part 2 GK Questions Quiz 9

G K Questions Quiz 9 Part 2

51 Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984 William Gibson –Neuromancer

52 Demeter was the Greek god of what (Ceres Roman) Harvest

53 What film won the 1943 Oscar as best film Casablanca

54 What do ungulate animals alone have Hooves

55 Dr Ludwig L Zamenhof invented what 1887 Poland Esperanto

56 Who wrote The Picture of Dorian Grey in 1891 Oscar Wilde

57 Who composed The Planets suit (both names) Gustav Holst

58 What links Doric, Ionic, Tuscan, Corinthian and Composite Classical Architecture

59 What is phonetic alphabet word for U Uniform

60 Why were women barred from original Olympic Games Male entries nude

61 In which USA state is Churchill Downs racetrack Louisville Kentucky

62 In 1867 Lucian B Smith invented what restraint Barbed Wire

63 In 1961 which Henry Mancini record won Grammy record of year Moon River

64 What links Willie Brant, Lech Walesa, Yasser Arafat Nobel Peace Prize
65 Which countries government spends most in social security % Uruguay

66 Archaeopteryx was the first what Bird

67 In 1810 in England Peter Durand invented what Tin can (food)

68 Who was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952 (turned down) Albert Einstein

69 What is the oldest known infectious disease Leprosy

70 A JPEG is a picture file format - what does JPEG stand for Joint Photographic
Experts Group

71 What is the worlds largest sea (in area) South China

72 Which islands wildlife is 90% unique Madagascar

73 What are truffles - highly prized as food Fungi

74 Which Game is Played 15 a side and scores 3 or 1 points Gaelic Football

75 What was invented in 1855 45 years later than it was needed Can Opener

76 What links Sissinnius, Zosimus, Liberius, Sergius V1,Victor II Popes

77 What is the world largest seed Coco-de-mare palm –
double coconut

78 Bristlemouths are the worlds most common what Fish

79 What swims at 1/8 inch an hour Sperm

80 Trypanophobia is fear of what Inoculations –Injections

81 Chogori is better know by what boring name K2

82 Colonel Jacob Schick invented what in 1928 in USA Electric Razor

83 What links Duke Wellington, Earl Derby, Marquis Salisbury UK Prime Ministers

84 In 1996 which Celine Dion album Grammy album of year Falling into You

85 What weight is the lightest in Amateur Boxing Light Flyweight

86 Which country has the worlds biggest (on land) National Park Canada – Wood
Buffalo 17300s ml

87 What language speakers were shot Russia and Germany 1930s Esperanto

88 Ronald Ross campaigned for the destruction of what Mosquitoes - stop

89 Who won two Nobel prizes in different fields Marie Curie Physics
1903 Chemistry 1911

90 Name 3rd cent BC Greek mathematician wrote The Elements Euclid

91 Evidence of what alternative treatment found in 5300 mummy Acupuncture

92 North Fork Roe River - worlds shortest - which US state Montana

93 In 1879 James Ritty invented what Cash Register

94 Who wrote the novel Tom Jones in 1749 Henry Fielding

95 What links Millionaires, Metropolitans, Black Hawks, Silver seven Stanley Cup winners Ice Hockey

96 What country - largest earthquake of 20th cent 8.6 Richter 1906 Colombia

97 The okapi belongs to what family of animals Giraffe

98 Dimitri Mendeleyev is credited with the discover of what Periodic Table

99 What feature of a triangle makes it scalene Different side lengths

100 Taphophobia is fear of what Buried Alive

G K Questions Quiz 9 Part 1

G K Questions Quiz 9 Part 1

1 What is the commonest symbol on flags of the world Star

2 Which country is alphabetically last Zimbabwe

3 Smiths Bon-Bons changed their name to what after 1840 Christmas Crackers

4 Minerva is the Goddess of what Wisdom

5 What type of animal is a jennet Small Spanish horse

6 If you were crapulous what would you be Drunk

7 Where would you Wedel Ski slope

8 What is the correct name for a baby otter Kitten

9 What colour is the gemstone peridot Green

10 Sanskrit is an old language - what does the word mean Put together –

11 In which country do they play houlani - type of hockey Turkey

12 What does the name Tabitha mean Gazelle

13 With what is spangy played Marbles

14 Where did Spam get its name Spiced Ham

15 The Pogues took their name from Pogue Mahone - what mean Kiss my arse

16 What comes after the year of the snake - Chinese calendar Horse

17 Mosi-oa-Tunya - Smoke that Thunders - what natural feature Victoria falls

18 One person every 6 seconds dies from what Contaminated water

19 Approximately 40 million of what are consumed each year Bananas

20 What is the worlds largest rodent Capybara

21 Which winter game is known as the roaring game Curling

22 The first known what happened in Wisconsin 1878 Organised motor race

23 Which 2 countries will host the 2002 Soccer World Cup finals Japan - South Korea

24 In 1935 Charlton C McGee invented what in the USA Parking Meter

25 Which French philosopher created analytical geometry Rene Decartes

26 The length of what is approximately 1/10th circumference of earth Great wall of China

27 What was the world's first computer bug in 1946 A moth

28 What does a polythesistic person believe in Many Gods

29 Who founded the Greek theatre Thespis

30 Maria Magdelana Von Losch Beyyer know as who Marlene Dietrich

31 If you suffered from tantartism what would you be doing Dancing Mania

32 Which literary prize started in 1968 Booker McConnell

33 What links Fitzroy, Essenden, Collingswood and Carlton Aussie rules football

34 What countries people spend most private money on recreation Taiwan's

35 What links The Reivers, Grapes of Wrath, Humboldt’s Gift Pulitzer Prize winners

36 USA has most airports which country has second most Australia

37 In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item Safety Pin

38 Fredrick Sanger discovered which medical life saver Insulin

39 Who invented punched cards used in early computing 1880s Herman Hollerith

40 Why did Roselin Franklin (pre discovered dna helix) no Nobel She was dead

41 What is a Dwarf Goby Worlds smallest true fish

42 What types can be saddle, plane or pivotal Body Joints

43 1500 paces was what Roman measurement League

44 Denis Gabor of Hungary 1971 Nobel prize for what invention Holograms

45 Who gave the UN the land in NY to build their HQ John D Rockerfeller

46 In 1779 Abraham Darby built the worlds first what Metal Bridge

47 What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion Judaism

48 An aubade or alborda is a song - but what type Mourning

49 What sport links Castle Cup, Red Stripe Cup, Ranji Trophy Cricket

50 What countries leader does not have an official residence Cuba

Sunday, February 16, 2014

General knowledge Questions Quiz 8 part 2

General knowledge  Questions Quiz 8  part 2

51 Ignatius Loyola founded which organisation Jesuits

52 Which 16th century Italian wrote The Prince Machiavelli

53 A meander bend in a river, named from river meander - where Turkey

54 Who tells the story in The Arabian Nights Sheherazade

55 Alfred Jingle appears in which Dickens novel The Pickwick Papers

56 Vaselina and Brillantino were alternate names which film Grease

57 Chaplin ate a boot in the Gold Rush - what was it made of Liquorice

58 Phoebe Anne Mozee better known as who Annie Oakley

59 What is the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet Kappa

60 If you were misocapnic what do you hate Tobacco Smoke

61 In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor Cook

62 An isoneph on a map joins places of equal what Average Cloud Cover

63 Bumper Harris - wooden leg - what Job on London Underground Ride new escalators

64 Who is Ivanhoe's wife Rowena

65 The Lent Lilly has a more common name - what Daffodil

66 What would you be if you were a coryphée Ballet Dancer

67 Whose last words were - "Clito I owe a cock to Asclepius" Socrates

68 What does the German word Panzer literally mean Armour

69 What is Frances longest river Loire

70 In which month is the Munich beer festival held October

71 What was the name of Norse God Thor's hammer Mjolnir

72 Who ordered John the Baptists execution King Herod

73 What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character Oswald the Rabbit

74 What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940 Penicillin

75 Who wrote Beau Geste P C Wren

76 Prophesied the Chalus the Greek - Die on day - did of what Laughing cos he was
not dead

77 Who is Aladdin's father Mustapha the tailor

78 What American state is the Badger state Wisconsin

79 Why was Fred Lorz disqualified 1904 Olympic marathon Hitched a lift passingcar

80 In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear Red

81 A muster is a group of which birds Peacocks

82 Bohea is a type of what Tea

83 In which country were antibiotics first used Egypt - used mouldy
84 Which country grew the first Orange China

85 Gossima was the original name of what game Table Tennis

86 Wild marjoram is also known as what Oregano

87 What was the name of Roses monkey in Friends Marcel

88 Horse brasses - on dreyhorses - originally what purpose Charms - ward off evil
89 Alfred Hitchcock admitted to being terrified of what Policeman

90 What was the name of Sancho Panza's donkey Dapple

91 What is Steganography Invisible ink writing

92 An Albert chain is usually attached to what Watch

93 An unkindness is a group of what birds Ravens

94 A fellmonger deals in what items Animal skins

95 What colour habit do Franciscan monks wear Grey

96 Nenen-Kona is sold in Russia - what do we call it Pepsi-Cola

97 Hugh Lofting created which famous character Doctor Dolittle

98 What was the name of Russian bear mascot 1980 Olympics Mischa

99 What ingredient must French ice cream contain by law Eggs

100 A kindle is the name for a group of what young animals Kittens