General knowledge Questions
Quiz 8 part 2
51 Ignatius Loyola founded
which organisation Jesuits
52 Which 16th century
Italian wrote The Prince Machiavelli
53 A meander bend in a
river, named from river meander - where Turkey
54 Who tells the story in
The Arabian Nights Sheherazade
55 Alfred Jingle appears
in which Dickens novel The
Pickwick Papers
56 Vaselina and
Brillantino were alternate names which film Grease
57 Chaplin ate a boot in
the Gold Rush - what was it made of Liquorice
58 Phoebe Anne Mozee
better known as who Annie
59 What is the tenth
letter of the Greek alphabet Kappa
60 If you were misocapnic
what do you hate Tobacco
61 In sailing ship days
who often acted as the ships doctor Cook
62 An isoneph on a map
joins places of equal what Average
Cloud Cover
63 Bumper Harris - wooden
leg - what Job on London Underground Ride new escalators
64 Who is Ivanhoe's wife Rowena
65 The Lent Lilly has a
more common name - what Daffodil
66 What would you be if
you were a coryphée Ballet
67 Whose last words were -
"Clito I owe a cock to Asclepius" Socrates
68 What does the German
word Panzer literally mean Armour
69 What is Frances longest
river Loire
70 In which month is the
Munich beer festival held October
71 What was the name of
Norse God Thor's hammer Mjolnir
72 Who ordered John the
Baptists execution King Herod
73 What was Walt Disney's
first cartoon character Oswald the
74 What medication
discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940 Penicillin
75 Who wrote Beau Geste P C Wren
76 Prophesied the Chalus
the Greek - Die on day - did of what Laughing cos he was
not dead
77 Who is Aladdin's father
Mustapha the tailor
78 What American state is
the Badger state Wisconsin
79 Why was Fred Lorz
disqualified 1904 Olympic marathon Hitched a
lift passingcar
80 In China what colour
does the bride traditionally wear Red
81 A muster is a group of
which birds Peacocks
82 Bohea is a type of what
83 In which country were
antibiotics first used Egypt -
used mouldy
84 Which country grew the
first Orange China
85 Gossima was the
original name of what game Table
86 Wild marjoram is also
known as what Oregano
87 What was the name of
Roses monkey in Friends Marcel
88 Horse brasses - on
dreyhorses - originally what purpose Charms - ward off evil
89 Alfred Hitchcock
admitted to being terrified of what Policeman
90 What was the name of
Sancho Panza's donkey Dapple
91 What is Steganography Invisible ink writing
92 An Albert chain is
usually attached to what Watch
93 An unkindness is a
group of what birds Ravens
94 A fellmonger deals in
what items Animal
95 What colour habit do
Franciscan monks wear Grey
96 Nenen-Kona is sold in
Russia - what do we call it Pepsi-Cola
97 Hugh Lofting created
which famous character Doctor
98 What was the name of
Russian bear mascot 1980 Olympics Mischa
99 What ingredient must
French ice cream contain by law Eggs
100 A kindle is the name
for a group of what young animals Kittens
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