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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Questions Quiz 6 Answers part 1

GKQuestions Quiz 6

1 Which Mediterranean countries orchestra is bigger than its army Monaco

2 What links stags tails, pickled worms, gallstones, tomatoes Once thought to be

3 Baked beans were originally served in what sauce Treacle – molasses

4 Where can you buy a copy of Penguin News Falkland Islands

5 Who was the hero of the old TV cop series Dragnet Sergeant Joe Friday

6 Which African country was founded by Americans Liberia

7 What was Britain called - before it was Britain Albion

8 What part of a frog do you rub to hypnotise it Its belly

9 How did multi millionaire Russell Sage save money Not wear underwear

10 How was USA president James Buchanan different from all rest Batchelor maybegay

11 What's involved in 20% of car accidents in Sweden A moose

12 What's unusual about evangelist Amy Semple McPhersons coffinContainsTelephone

13 Who would use a swozzle Punch and Judy man

14 What does a tailor do with his plonker Press suits

15 Churches in Malta have two what Clocks right andwrong confuse devil

16 Marnie Nixon what Deborah Kerr Natilie Wood Audrey HepburnDubbedintheirsinging voices

17 Which Italian tractor maker tried making cars in 1960s FerruchioLamborghini

18 What first appeared on Page 1 of the Times 3 May 1966 News stories

19 Caruso put what in Nellie Melbas hand singing tiny hand frozen Hot Sausage

20 What would you do with an Edzell blue Eat it - it’s a potato

21 In what month did the Russian October revolution take place November

22 Nobody's perfect is the last line in which classic comedy film Some Like it Hot

23 How did Buffalo Bill stick to one glass whisky a day Quart glass

24 In 1760 what means of personal transport was invented Roller Skates

25 What three counties were Eliza Dolittle taught to pronounce Hertford Hereford

26 In Hitchcock's film The Trouble with Harry - what was the trouble He was dead

27 What was the first gramophone record made from Tinfoil

28 What did George Washington soak his wooden teeth in for taste Port

29 George V1 Mozart Al Jolson Casanova - which organisation Freemasons

30 Who said "Its so long since sex I forget who gets tied up" Joan Rivers

31 St Appolonia Patron Saint of what Toothache

32 What is measured on the Gay-Lussac scale Alcohol strength

33 A squid found in New Zealand had the biggest what ever seen Eye 15.75 inches

34 What was the first country to guarantee freedom of worship Transylvania

35 which famous person invented the cat flap Isaac Newton

36 By law what can you not do in Minnesota with your washing line Put male female
washing together

37 Why do Tibetans grow long nails on little fingers To pick nosesEfficiently

38 Richard Penniman became famous as who Little Richard

39 What is a snood A kind of hairnet

40 Who said "men are creatures with two legs and 8 hands" Jayne Mansfield

41 Which European country eats the most breakfast cereal Britain

42 Philosopher Jeremy Bentham has a very unusual pet - what Tea Pot

43 What country did Italy invade in 1935 Abyssinia – Ethiopia

44 Who sang the title song in the film Grease Frankie Valli

45 What is produced in a ginnery Cotton

46 What was made illegal in England in 1439 Kissing

47 What was invented by Dr Albert Southwick in 1881 Electric chair

48 In which country are you most likely to die from a scorpion sting Mexico (1000 ayear)

49 Who is the most filmed author Shakespeare over 300

50 Excluding religious works what is the worlds top selling book Guinness BookofRecords

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