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Monday, February 17, 2014

G K Questions Quiz 9 Part 1

G K Questions Quiz 9 Part 1

1 What is the commonest symbol on flags of the world Star

2 Which country is alphabetically last Zimbabwe

3 Smiths Bon-Bons changed their name to what after 1840 Christmas Crackers

4 Minerva is the Goddess of what Wisdom

5 What type of animal is a jennet Small Spanish horse

6 If you were crapulous what would you be Drunk

7 Where would you Wedel Ski slope

8 What is the correct name for a baby otter Kitten

9 What colour is the gemstone peridot Green

10 Sanskrit is an old language - what does the word mean Put together –

11 In which country do they play houlani - type of hockey Turkey

12 What does the name Tabitha mean Gazelle

13 With what is spangy played Marbles

14 Where did Spam get its name Spiced Ham

15 The Pogues took their name from Pogue Mahone - what mean Kiss my arse

16 What comes after the year of the snake - Chinese calendar Horse

17 Mosi-oa-Tunya - Smoke that Thunders - what natural feature Victoria falls

18 One person every 6 seconds dies from what Contaminated water

19 Approximately 40 million of what are consumed each year Bananas

20 What is the worlds largest rodent Capybara

21 Which winter game is known as the roaring game Curling

22 The first known what happened in Wisconsin 1878 Organised motor race

23 Which 2 countries will host the 2002 Soccer World Cup finals Japan - South Korea

24 In 1935 Charlton C McGee invented what in the USA Parking Meter

25 Which French philosopher created analytical geometry Rene Decartes

26 The length of what is approximately 1/10th circumference of earth Great wall of China

27 What was the world's first computer bug in 1946 A moth

28 What does a polythesistic person believe in Many Gods

29 Who founded the Greek theatre Thespis

30 Maria Magdelana Von Losch Beyyer know as who Marlene Dietrich

31 If you suffered from tantartism what would you be doing Dancing Mania

32 Which literary prize started in 1968 Booker McConnell

33 What links Fitzroy, Essenden, Collingswood and Carlton Aussie rules football

34 What countries people spend most private money on recreation Taiwan's

35 What links The Reivers, Grapes of Wrath, Humboldt’s Gift Pulitzer Prize winners

36 USA has most airports which country has second most Australia

37 In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item Safety Pin

38 Fredrick Sanger discovered which medical life saver Insulin

39 Who invented punched cards used in early computing 1880s Herman Hollerith

40 Why did Roselin Franklin (pre discovered dna helix) no Nobel She was dead

41 What is a Dwarf Goby Worlds smallest true fish

42 What types can be saddle, plane or pivotal Body Joints

43 1500 paces was what Roman measurement League

44 Denis Gabor of Hungary 1971 Nobel prize for what invention Holograms

45 Who gave the UN the land in NY to build their HQ John D Rockerfeller

46 In 1779 Abraham Darby built the worlds first what Metal Bridge

47 What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion Judaism

48 An aubade or alborda is a song - but what type Mourning

49 What sport links Castle Cup, Red Stripe Cup, Ranji Trophy Cricket

50 What countries leader does not have an official residence Cuba

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