Quiz 7 Answers part 2
51 What is a Bellwether Leader of flock
52 What was Procul Harem's greatest
hit Whiter shade
of pale
53 Percy Shaw invented what in 1934 Cats eyes
54 What animal produces its own sun
tan lotion Hippopotamus
55 What was a Nuremberg egg Pocket watch /
56 What was the name of Isaac Newton's
dog - caused fire in lab Diamond
57 Who was eaten by dogs in the Old
Testament Jezebel
58 In literature who is the alter ego
of Percy Blakney Scarlet Pimpernel
59 Juglans Regia is the real name of
what type of nut tree Walnut
60 What album cover (by the Rolling
Stones) had a zip on the side Sticky Fingers
61 What lives in a holt An Otter
62 Who is the Patron Saint of dancers
and actors St
63 What is the worlds tallest grass Bamboo
64 Who owned the newspaper in Lou
Grant - Nancy Marchand Mrs Pyncheron
65 Who reputedly first said - if in
doubt tell the truth Mark Twain
66 John Richie became famous under
what name Sid
67 In Greek mythology who rowed the
dead across the river Styx Charon
68 Alfred White was a famous author
under which name James Herriot
69 Which acid was first prepared from
distilled red ants Formic acid
70 Who invented doctor Who Terry Nation
71 What took place on London's
serpentine first time 16 June 1930 Mixed Bathing
72 Which European city was the bride
of the sea Venice
73 Who (not Peter Sellers) played
Inspector Clouseau in 1968 Alan Arkin
74 Where could you find the Lutine
Bell Lloyds of London
75 Yabusame is the Japanese version of
what sport Archery
76 Which Dickens novel is considered
an autobiography David Copperfield
77 Dendrologists worship what Trees
78 What is the national sport of
Finland Motor
79 Who was Agrippa's son Nero
80 Peter Goldmak invented what in 1948
LP record
81 Milton lost which sense Sight
82 What are camel haired brushes made
of Squirrels
83 How did the Greek dramatist
Aeschalys die Eagle
dropped tortoiseon head
84 Playing card - Raymond Shaw trance
- Manchurian Candidate Queen Diamonds
85 Eiffel designed the Eiffel tower -
what was his first name Gustave
86 The Salk vaccine is used against
what disease Polio
87 If you are born between June 23rd
and July 23rd what star sign Cancer
88 An alloy of Iron - Chromium and
Nickel makes what Stainless Steel
89 Who said "Public service is my
motto" Al
90 Drakes Golden Hind was originally
called what The
91 In what film did Elvis play a Red
Indian Stay away
92 What did the Victorians call
servant regulators Alarm Clocks
93 Which country first used the
fountain pen Egypt
94 What is the more popular name for
the Londonderry Air Danny Boy
95 Freyr was the Norse god of what Fertility
96 TAP is the national airline of
which country Portugal
97 In which country is the port of
Frey Bentos Uruguay
98 The Koh-i-Nor is a famous diamond -
what does the name mean Mountain of Light
99 A nilometer measures the rise and
fall of what Rivers
(originally Nile)
100 What was Britain's first colony (annexed in 1583) Newfoundland
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