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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Questions Quiz 5 Answers part 2

Questions Quiz 5 Answers

51 Which flying pioneer was nicknamed the lone eagle Charles Lindbergh

52 Horse statue - mounted man - on two legs - how man die Killed in Battle

53 Which American state produces the most potatoes Idaho

54 Who wrote Dr Zhivago Boris Pasternak

55 Who is Charlie Browns favourite baseball player (fictional) Joe Shlabotnik

56 Emerald is the birth stone for which month May

57 Whose yacht was called Honey Fitz John Fitzgerald

58 What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from Ice Crystals

59 What Italian habit did Thomas Coyrat introduce to England 1608 Eating with forks

60 Purl Plain Fisherman's Cable types of what Knitting stitches

61 Why was Mary Mallen locked up from 1915 to 1938 Typhoid Mary

62 If you were doing vaccimulgence what doing Milking a cow

63 For what purpose was the chow chow dog originally bred As food or Chow

64 What kind of fruit is a kumquat Small Orange

65 Who was the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite

66 What first appeared in New York World 21st December 1913 Crossword

67 Which group of animals are called a cete Badgers

68 Which herb did the Romans eat top prevent drunkenness Parsley

69 What is the original literal meaning of the word bride To cook (ancienttutonic)

70 Who ran the first marathon Phidipedes

71 What is the only creature that can turn its stomach inside out Starfish

72 What is Milan's opera house called La Scala

73 What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth Alcohol

74 What type of animal is a Samoyed Dog

75 In which country did draughts (checkers) originate Egypt

76 Shane Fenton became famous as who Alvin Stardust

77 What is the worlds most popular green vegetable Lettuce

78 What does a racoon do before eating its food Washes it in water

79 What other name is used for the snow leopard Ounce

80 Which drink did Bach enjoy so much he wrote a cantata for it Coffee

81 Who invented the first safety razor in 1895 King Camp Gillette

82 What nationality is Thor Heyerdahl Norwegian

83 What 3 ingredients make a sidecar cocktail Brandy CointreauLemon juice

84 A spunder or drift is the name for a group of what animals Swine

85 What is Erse Irish Gaelic language

86 On oometer measures what Birds Eggs

87 What did table tennis balls used to be made from Cork

88 If you had variola what disease have you got Smallpox

89 Which playing card is called the Curse of Scotland Nine of Diamonds

90 Which painter did Hans van Meegeren most fake Vermeer

91 Which country had the first women MPs 19 in 1907 Finland

92 In 1969 what category was added to the Nobel prizes Economics

93 In which city was Bob Hope born London (Eltham)

94 In the human body where is your occiput Back of head

95 Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott-key

96 Which food did Victorians deride as little bags of mystery Sausages

97 Which actor was dubbed the muscles from Brussels Jean Claude Van Dam

98 Which film star was the first to appear on a postage stamp Grace Kelly

99 What would you expect to find in a binnacle Ships compass

100 Which Hollywood star has made the cover of Life most times Elizabeth Taylor (11)

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