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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Questions Quiz 7 Answers part 1

Questions Quiz 7 Answers part 1

1 Boob Day in Spain is what day in Britain (practical jokes played) April Fools Day 1st

2 What crime did Theresa Vaughn commit 62 times in 5 years Bigamy - Tried 1922

3 Who sailed in a ship called Queen Ann's Revenge Blackbeard

4 Saponification is the process that makes what common product Soap

5 Blue red green yellow four Olympic rings colour what's missing Black

6 Detective Philip Marlow smokes what brand Camels

7 Who landed on Timor Island after being cast adrift Captain Bligh

8 What is the more common name of the Chaparral Cock The Road Runner

9 In what language did St Paul write his epistles Greek

10 Ian Fleming's house was called Goldeneye - which country Jamaica

11 Alfred Schneider became famous as who Lenny Bruce

12 A C-Curity was the original name of what common object Zip Fastener

13 Fidelity Bravery Integrity is which organisations motto FBI

14 Who was the first black entertainer to win an Emmy award Harry Bellefonte

15 Anthony Daniels played who in a series of films C-P3O

16 Of what material was the hairspring made in early watches Pigs Hair

17 In 1860 Napoleon III banquet - serving dishes dearer gold - what Aluminium

18 Which author created Dick Tracy Chester Gould

19 What is the worlds most widely used vegetable Onion

20 What are lentigines Freckles

21 What type of animal is a vmi-vmi Very small pig

22 What did Mege-Mouries invent in 1870 winning a Napoleon prize Margarine

23 What was Walt Disney's middle name Elias

24 Who would you expect to find in Castle Gondolofo The Pope

25 What two items make up the dish devils on horseback Bacon Prunes

26 What does ludo mean (literally) I Play

27 The Detours changed to The High Numbers then what name The Who

28 What animal was believed to be a cross camel - leopard Giraffe

29 An elephant has 400000 what in its trunk Muscles

30 What colour is cerulean Deep Blue

31 Who composed the Air for the G string (init and name) JS Bach

32 What were Twinkletoes - Lucky Jim (stuffed cats) first to do Fly across Atlantic
Alcock Brown

33 What are kreplach Jewish ravioli

34 The pica pica is what common bird Magpie

35 What male human feature was taxed in Elizabethan times Beards

36 Which record company rejected the Beatles as being past it Decca

37 From which country does spinach originate Iran

38 British policemen have truncheons what is USA equivalent Nightstick

39 In DC comics Linda Lee Danvers is whose alter ego Supergirl

40 In what country does the cow tree grow - sap looks tastes milk Venezuela

41 The penny black - worlds first stamp - what was second Two penny Blue

42 Which country produces Tokay Hungary

43 Where could you legally flash your dong - then spend it Vietnam currency

44 The Bald Eagle is Americas bird - What is Britain's Robin

45 Australian Clement Wragge instituted what Naming Hurricanes

46 What does Zip stand for in the American Zip Code Zone Improvement

47 What wood is plywood mostly made from Birch

48 What is a Hummum Turkish bath

49 In which sport are left handed people banned from playing Polo

50 What food was invented in a sanatorium in 1890 Kellogg corn flakes

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